
I don't think you need to track the selected (true/false) state your self. Let the radio group model do it automatically for you like:

listLanguages.add(new NameWrapper("English", "en", "");
listLanguages.add(new NameWrapper("German", "de", ""));
listLanguages.add(new NameWrapper("French", "fr", ""));
listLanguages.add(new NameWrapper("Italian", "it", "");
listLanguages.add(new NameWrapper("Polish", "pl", "");

// set the selected radio to be the first in the list 'English'
final RadioGroup groupQuery = new RadioGroup("groupLanguagesQuery", new Model<NameWrapper>(listLanguages.get(0)));
listLanguagesQuery = new ListView("listLanguagesQuery",listLanguages) {
           protected void populateItem(ListItem item) {
String lang = ((NameWrapper)item.getModelObject()).getName(); item.add(new Label("nameLanguageQuery", new StringResourceModel(lang, this, null,"XXXX"))); item.add(new Radio("checkLanguageQuery", item.getModel(),groupQuery));


Now the model object value of the RadioGroup 'groupQuery' will have the NameWrapper for the selected choice. A NameWrapper instance is selected if it is returned by groupQuery.getModelObject();


I had tried this option and it does not work.

Michael Mosmann wrote:

.. i am not sure. The model of RadioGroup should contain, wich item is
selected. The model of Radio should reflect the associated value. So if
model of RadioGroup contains "fr" and Property "selected" of item nr. 3
is "fr" this Radio is selected.

maybe this will help..

I have a problem when using the Radio component.
Using a list of languages, where each item is a NameWrapper object with a property "selected". The property "selected" is associated to the radio component. However, when presenting to the user the corresponding list of radios, the language Polish is true, and not English (it should be the selected option).

 listLanguages.add(new NameWrapper("English", "en", "", true));
 listLanguages.add(new NameWrapper("German", "de", "", false));
 listLanguages.add(new NameWrapper("French", "fr", "", false));
 listLanguages.add(new NameWrapper("Italian", "it", "", false));
 listLanguages.add(new NameWrapper("Polish", "pl", "", false));

final RadioGroup groupQuery = new RadioGroup("groupLanguagesQuery", new Model()); listLanguagesQuery = new ListView("listLanguagesQuery",listLanguages) {
            protected void populateItem(ListItem item) {
String lang = ((NameWrapper)item.getModelObject()).getName(); item.add(new Label("nameLanguageQuery", new StringResourceModel(lang, this, null,"XXXX"))); item.add(new Radio("checkLanguageQuery", new PropertyModel(item.getModel(), "selected"),groupQuery));

Any ideas? I really need to solve this issue.

Thank you so much.

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