
        I'm trying to make InlineFrame in my portlet deployed in Liferay 
in page:
        add(new InlineFrame("myFrame", PageMap.forName("xys"), MyFrame.

in markup:
                <iframe wicket:id="myFrame">
                        <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>

where MyFrame.java is an empty wicket webpage with simple associated 
markup (MyFrame.html) that contains just "hello IFrame" text (and html, 
head and body tags).

In Portlet is MyFrame page displayed, but is surrounded with whole liferay 
In other words; in Liferay Portal is my portlet displayed, in that portlet 
is whole liferay displayd again and inside that is finally MyFrame page 

How should I create InlineFrame that contains just MyFrame.java (with 
associated MyFrame.html) ? 

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