Hello, wicket users and developers,

This is a problem I can't work out myself, I need your help.

In a local environment (direct calls to Tomcat) AjaxFormSubmitBehavior
works as expected.
But in production I try to hide application name (let's say,
AppNamePay-1.0-SNAPSHOT) from URL using RewriteRule.

Logs show that somehow application name bobs up when I create a link
with AjaxFormSubmitBehavior.
This can be seen from httpd logs (302 status):

xx.22.151.6 - - [16/Jul/2009:14:14:30 +0000] "GET
/AppNamePay-1.0-SNAPSHOT/?wicket:interface=:0:5::: HTTP/1.1" 302 312
"http://sitename.com/?wicket:interface=:0:4:::"; "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows;
U; Windows NT 5.1; ru; rv: Gecko/2009011913 Firefox/3.0.6"

And from catched calls using HttpFox:

GET     302     Redirect to:
(Status-Line)   HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
GET     302     Redirect to:
(Status-Line)   HTTP/1.1 302 Found

How it could be that wicket knows about AppNamePay-1.0-SNAPSHOT?
Other Ajax stuff seems working without problem.

Wicket is 1.4-rc7


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