Hello folks,

I'm using wicket 1.4 RC7 now and I have a question regarding the usage of ssl.
I use the HttpsRequestCycleProcessor with the annotation @RequireHttps.
Imagine the following case like it is realized on different sites like web.de 
or gmx.de as well as xing.com.
The first call will result in a http url. If you enter your login name and your 
password and submit the form,
then the form will be send via https.

I only have one page. Everything on my page is exchanged via ajax. The login is 
also done via ajax.
Currently I use the annotation above for my BasePage but from the first call, 
the whole communication
is done with ssl.

What I would like to realize is: Using the @RequireHttps annotation on forms or 
submit buttons.
I implemented an own SSLForm class extending the wicket form class with the 
But when I use the SSLForm for my login, the communication is done without ssl.
I would like to use my page via http, but the ajax login should be done with 

The only thing I can do now is:
-page completely with ssl
-page completely without ssl

I would appreciate any help.

Best regards,


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