Good evening,

In order to learn Wicket as well as good Java coding ^ ^, I'd like to read
Wicket source code. It's been a couple of months since I use it, so I have a
general user-view on it.

Do you have advice ? Where should I start it all ? Is there any typical
workflow through the code-base for such a matter ?

Hope to hear from you soon, guys !



Sans amis était le grand maître des mondes,
Eprouvait manque, ce pour quoi il créa les esprits,
Miroirs bienveillants de sa béatitude.
Mais au vrai, il ne trouva aucun égal,
Du calice du royaume total des âmes
Ecume jusqu'à lui l'infinité.

(Schiller, "l'amitié")

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