i have no idea. you might want to google it.


On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 1:43 AM, Arthur Leigh
Allen<arthurleigh.al...@yahoo.de> wrote:
> i use my own (graphic) buttons in wicket.
> after getting rid of my own code and just using a modified AjaxFallbackButton 
> with overridden getCallbackUrl() method,
> the form was submitted but i could see an error in the error console of 
> firefox (translated by me):
> security error: content from 
> http://localhost:8080/projectname/?wicket:interface=:0:2::: is not allowed to 
> load data from 
> https://localhost:8443/projectname/?wicket:interface=:0:content:container:areaTop:2:panelTop:container:loginForm:buttonLogin:2:IBehaviorListener:0:&random=0.573852961623538
> error: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Access to restricted URI denied"  
> code: "1012" nsresult: "0x805303f4 (NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI)"  location: 
> "http://localhost:8080/projectname/resources/org.apache.wicket.ajax.WicketAjaxReference/wicket-ajax.js
>  Line: 884"]
> is it about cross domain (http and https) AJAX queries?
> ________________________________
> Von: Igor Vaynberg <igor.vaynb...@gmail.com>
> An: users@wicket.apache.org
> Gesendet: Montag, den 27. Juli 2009, 18:24:20 Uhr
> Betreff: Re: AW: SSL - ajax login
> hmm, it might be like you said - ajax request with an untrusted cert
> might be failing.
> it looks from the console like wicket is trying to hit that url, what
> you can do is set a breakpoint in wicketfilter and see if that request
> ever reaches the server.
> -igor
> On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 4:56 AM, Arthur Leigh
> Allen<arthurleigh.al...@yahoo.de> wrote:
>> Hi again Igor,
>> I did the following now:
>> I called the website directly with https://localhost:8443/projectname and 
>> then I performed a login and it worked.
>> Any idea?
>> Thx Arthur
>> ________________________________
>> Von: Igor Vaynberg <igor.vaynb...@gmail.com>
>> An: users@wicket.apache.org
>> Gesendet: Sonntag, den 26. Juli 2009, 22:22:22 Uhr
>> Betreff: Re: AW: SSL - ajax login
>> the href is not a problem; you seeing # appended to the end of the url
>> is the correct behavior. what should have happened was the ajax call
>> to that https url in the background.
>> so what you should be looking into is why the ajax call with that
>> https url was never made or response from it not processed, since we
>> know the url itself works - because you pasted it into the browser and
>> it worked. maybe wicket ajax console can give you a clue, firebug also
>> has facilities that let you monitor requests being made. you should
>> see a call to that https url when you click the link.
>> -igor
>> On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Arthur Leigh
>> Allen<arthurleigh.al...@yahoo.de> wrote:
>>> Hi Igor,
>>> I used Firebug to have a look at the onClick event.
>>> I've inspected two links, one usual ajax link and one for the ssl login.
>>> ----
>>> Regarding the first link:
>>> href="?wicket:interface=:6:content:container:areaTop:2:panelTop:container:loginForm:linkForgotLogin:container:link::ILinkListener::"
>>> onClick="var 
>>> wcall=wicketAjaxGet('?wicket:interface=:6:content:container:areaTop:2:panelTop:container:loginForm:linkForgotLogin:container:link::IBehaviorListener:0:',null,null,
>>>  function() {return Wicket.$('link141') != null;}.bind(this));return 
>>> !wcall;"
>>> ----
>>> Regarding the ssl login link:
>>> href="#"
>>> onClick="var wcall=wicketSubmitFormById('loginForm13b', 
>>> 'https://localhost:8443/projectname/?wicket:interface=:6:content:container:areaTop:2:panelTop:container:loginForm:buttonLogin:container:link::IActivePageBehaviorListener:0:&wicket:ignoreIfNotActive=true',
>>>  'buttonLogin:container:link' ,null,null, function() {return 
>>> Wicket.$$(this)&&Wicket.$$('loginForm13b')}.bind(this));;; return false;"
>>> ----
>>> I clicked on the ssl login link and the page jumped to the anchor # but the 
>>> form is not submitted. The symbol # was appended to the address bar of the 
>>> browser.
>>> I copied the url in the onClick event and entered it manually in the 
>>> address bar of my browser. The xml code for the ajax response was shown in 
>>> the browser - as known from wicket ajax debug.
>>> I guess the problem is the href attribute. I would expect to see an url 
>>> like 
>>> https://localhost:8443/projectname/wicket:interface=:6:content:container:areaTop:2:panelTop:container:loginForm:buttonLogin:container:link::
>>>  [etc.]
>>> Do you have any idea how I can solve the problem?
>>> Thx,
>>> Arthur
>>> ________________________________
>>> Von: Igor Vaynberg <igor.vaynb...@gmail.com>
>>> An: users@wicket.apache.org
>>> Gesendet: Freitag, den 24. Juli 2009, 21:51:48 Uhr
>>> Betreff: Re: AW: SSL - ajax login
>>> whatever url you see when hovering over the link is not the url used
>>> for ajax - not necessarily. you should inspect the onclick handlers.
>>> -igor
>>> On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 12:20 PM, Arthur Leigh
>>> Allen<arthurleigh.al...@yahoo.de> wrote:
>>>> no, sorry... the url is not changing to http://locahost:8080/projectname/# 
>>>> but when I hold the mouse pointer over the link, I see the url in the 
>>>> status bar. When I hold the mouse pointer over other links, I see very 
>>>> long urls a la 
>>>> http://localhost:8080/projectname/;jsessionid=....wicket:interface.....
>>>> But as you suggested, I'll debug the javascript to see the url 
>>>> modifications.
>>>> Thank you for your support Igor!
>>>> Have a nice weekend.
>>>> Greetz, Arthur
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> Von: Igor Vaynberg <igor.vaynb...@gmail.com>
>>>> An: users@wicket.apache.org
>>>> Gesendet: Freitag, den 24. Juli 2009, 17:30:27 Uhr
>>>> Betreff: Re: AW: SSL - ajax login
>>>> no, i havent tried it myself. i never had to do an ajax login.
>>>> the url in the browser changes to http://locahost:8080/projectname/# ?
>>>> thats fine. the main part is what the actual ajax url is used - you
>>>> wont see that in the browser's bar. i suggest you use firebug or
>>>> something similar to walk the javascript and see why your *ajax* url
>>>> is being mangled.
>>>> obviously if you return just "https://localhost:8443/projectname"; that
>>>> will not work because that doesnt have the listener interface target
>>>> that will hit the behavior in your button.
>>>> -igor
>>>> On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 2:19 AM, Arthur Leigh
>>>> Allen<arthurleigh.al...@yahoo.de> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Igor,
>>>>> I tried to do it as simple as possible so I returned 
>>>>> https://localhost:8443/projectname in the overridden method 
>>>>> getCallbackUrl of AjaxFormSubmitBehavior. The result was the same. The 
>>>>> link pointed to the url http://locahost:8080/projectname/#. It seems to 
>>>>> me that only relative pathes can be returned, else the standard url will 
>>>>> be used.
>>>>> I wanted to understand how the given url is used in wicket. I found the 
>>>>> method wicketAjaxGet in wicket-ajax.js. There the url is passed to 
>>>>> Wicket.Ajax.Call(...). I couldn't trace the call deeper because I 
>>>>> couldn't find Call() in any javascript file.
>>>>> Have you tried it yourself Igor? Does it work?
>>>>> I'm using wicket 1.3.5. Does it depend on the version I use?
>>>>> Is there a different entry point to manipulate the url for ajax calls?
>>>>> Thx again
>>>>> Arthur
>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>> Von: Igor Vaynberg <igor.vaynb...@gmail.com>
>>>>> An: users@wicket.apache.org
>>>>> Gesendet: Donnerstag, den 23. Juli 2009, 16:37:22 Uhr
>>>>> Betreff: Re: AW: SSL - ajax login
>>>>> javascript invokes the url you give it, so it looked like it should
>>>>> work. you might have to trace deeper to see whats going on.
>>>>> -igor
>>>>> On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 4:41 AM, Arthur Leigh
>>>>> Allen<arthurleigh.al...@yahoo.de> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Igor,
>>>>>> I did it as you said.
>>>>>> I took the code from AjaxFallbackButton and I copied it to an own class.
>>>>>> In the constructor I overwrite the getCallbackUrl() method of the 
>>>>>> AjaxFormSubmitBehavior.
>>>>>> I added the value https://localhost:8443/projectname/ as a prefix to 
>>>>>> super.getCallbackUrl().
>>>>>> By the way: getCallbackUrl() returns a long relative url beginning with 
>>>>>> ";sessionid".
>>>>>> So my url is https://localhost:8443/projectname/;sessionid...
>>>>>> When starting tomcat and accessing the website, the url wasn't applied.
>>>>>> When clicking the link, the url http://localhost:8080/projectname/# was 
>>>>>> called.
>>>>>> I believe it's the wrong place to manipulate the url. Maybe it is 
>>>>>> expected to return a relative path
>>>>>> beginning with ";sessionid". That url is maybe manipulated at a 
>>>>>> different place, so in my case the
>>>>>> end result would be 
>>>>>> http://localhost:8080/projectname/https://localhost:8443/projectname/;sessionid.
>>>>>> That would result in an error and maybe 
>>>>>> http://localhost:8080/projectname/# is used therefore.
>>>>>> Am I wrong?
>>>>>> Thx
>>>>>> Arthur
>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>> Von: Igor Vaynberg <igor.vaynb...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> An: users@wicket.apache.org
>>>>>> Gesendet: Mittwoch, den 22. Juli 2009, 18:31:27 Uhr
>>>>>> Betreff: Re: AW: SSL - ajax login
>>>>>> ah, i thought i replied already because i looked into this yesterday.
>>>>>> you will have to roll your own button. i would recommend looking at
>>>>>> the sourcecode of the default button. when you add the
>>>>>> formsubmitbehavior in your button you can override getcallbackurl()
>>>>>> and append https to it.
>>>>>> -igor
>>>>>> On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 2:37 AM, Arthur Leigh
>>>>>> Allen<arthurleigh.al...@yahoo.de> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi again,
>>>>>>> I need to know if it's possible to switch to SSL via button or form.
>>>>>>> Otherwise I have to switch back to wicket 1.3.5. I'm in hurry because
>>>>>>> we will go online within the next 10-14 days.
>>>>>>> Can anyone give me a prompt answer please?
>>>>>>> Thx & Best regards
>>>>>>> Arthur
>>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>>> Von: Arthur Leigh Allen <arthurleigh.al...@yahoo.de>
>>>>>>> An: users@wicket.apache.org
>>>>>>> Gesendet: Dienstag, den 21. Juli 2009, 19:18:18 Uhr
>>>>>>> Betreff: AW: SSL - ajax login
>>>>>>> Hello Igor,
>>>>>>> thanks for your early reply.
>>>>>>> Yes, my login form is submitted via ajax.
>>>>>>> public class BasePage {
>>>>>>>     public void switchViaAjax(...) { ... }
>>>>>>>     public void navigateViaAjax(...) { ... }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> @RequireHttps
>>>>>>> public class SSLForm extends Form { ... }
>>>>>>> public class LoginPanel {
>>>>>>>     public LoginPanel() { ... }
>>>>>>>     public create() {
>>>>>>>         SSLForm form = new SSLForm("loginForm");
>>>>>>>         form.add(username);
>>>>>>>         form.add(password);
>>>>>>>         AjaxFallbackButton loginButton = new 
>>>>>>> AjaxFallbackButton("loginButton", form) {
>>>>>>>             protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form 
>>>>>>> form) {
>>>>>>>                 // perform login => login is done via http
>>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> As you said @RequireSSL is for pages.
>>>>>>> Do you have any idea how I can remove @RequireHttps from the top of my 
>>>>>>> BasePage and switch to https on login?
>>>>>>> Currently I think the only way to provide a ssl ajax call is to 
>>>>>>> show the base page via ssl as a starting basis.
>>>>>>> Therefore I have to use @RequireSSL on the BasePage but that means 
>>>>>>> every communication is done via ssl
>>>>>>> and that means more server ballast and a slower page refresh.
>>>>>>> Greetings
>>>>>>> Arthur
>>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>>> Von: Igor Vaynberg <igor.vaynb...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> An: users@wicket.apache.org
>>>>>>> Gesendet: Dienstag, den 21. Juli 2009, 18:08:48 Uhr
>>>>>>> Betreff: Re: SSL - ajax login
>>>>>>> @RequreHttps is meant to be a page-level feature, so it doesnt fit your 
>>>>>>> usecase.
>>>>>>> is your login form submitted via ajax?
>>>>>>> show us the code to sslform, your login form - making sure to include
>>>>>>> the code to the component that submits it.
>>>>>>> -igor
>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 8:34 AM, Arthur Leigh
>>>>>>> Allen<arthurleigh.al...@yahoo.de> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello folks,
>>>>>>>> I'm using wicket 1.4 RC7 now and I have a question regarding the usage 
>>>>>>>> of ssl.
>>>>>>>> I use the HttpsRequestCycleProcessor with the annotation @RequireHttps.
>>>>>>>> Imagine the following case like it is realized on different sites like 
>>>>>>>> web.de or gmx.de as well as xing.com.
>>>>>>>> The first call will result in a http url. If you enter your login name 
>>>>>>>> and your password and submit the form,
>>>>>>>> then the form will be send via https.
>>>>>>>> I only have one page. Everything on my page is exchanged via ajax. The 
>>>>>>>> login is also done via ajax.
>>>>>>>> Currently I use the annotation above for my BasePage but from the 
>>>>>>>> first call, the whole communication
>>>>>>>> is done with ssl.
>>>>>>>> What I would like to realize is: Using the @RequireHttps annotation on 
>>>>>>>> forms or submit buttons.
>>>>>>>> I implemented an own SSLForm class extending the wicket form class 
>>>>>>>> with the annotation.
>>>>>>>> But when I use the SSLForm for my login, the communication is done 
>>>>>>>> without ssl.
>>>>>>>> I would like to use my page via http, but the ajax login should be 
>>>>>>>> done with ssl.
>>>>>>>> The only thing I can do now is:
>>>>>>>> -page completely with ssl
>>>>>>>> -page completely without ssl
>>>>>>>> I would appreciate any help.
>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>> Arthur
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