Hello. I'm trying to create a wicket component out of FlexiGrid
http://www.flexigrid.info/ .

The javascript for the component requires an address from which it will
receive data in the form of a JSON response.


I'm not sure what is the best way to go about it. Simple and most ugly
approach would be to have something of a "Controller Page"

a page that takes parameters such as the entity that is being retrieved and
also paging info, sort order, etc and returns the JSON response.

I do not like this aproach as, most obvious reason is that it would not be
obvious from the component what you need to do in order to get it to work.


I would much more preffer to having a callback method that returns the json.
So I have created a


AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior clientConnectBehavior = new
AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior() {


            protected void respond(AjaxRequestTarget ajaxRequestTarget) {

                   ajaxRequestTarget.prependJavascript("{page: 1, total: 239



and used clientConnectBehavior.getCallbackUrl() as the url passed to the


Unfortunately the problem is the response when invoked is wrapped in a
<ajax-response><evaluate encoding="wicket1">

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<ajax-response><evaluate encoding="wicket1"><![CDATA[{page: 1,total:


So my question is how to get only the JSON part without the <?xml version.>,
<ajax-response> . and <CDATA> decoration. Can it be bypassed? Shoul I
override something in AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior? 

Or any other ideea to go about the problem.


Thank you,



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