Short version:
What's the right way to View & Model lists of Hibernate data that
are not Entities (@CollectionsOfElements) and already loaded via
an Entity?

What if they are Entities, but are already loaded via another Entity

Long version:
Absorbing the mantra "ListView is bad for database data", I was looking into
converting some ListViews into DataViews.  But these list items are
not Hibernate
Entities.  They're  CollectionsOfElements belonging to an Entity.

class Foo
        private Collection<User> users = new ArrayList<User>();

So the example

class UsersProvider implements IDataProvider
        public Iterator iterator(int first, int count)


        public int size()

        public IModel model(Object object)
                return new DetachableUserModel((User)object);

doesn't really fit.  My "Users" are a list hanging off an Entity that is
loaded from the database.  My "Users" don't have a unique ID for
their own DetachableUserModel.

So, should I create an IDataProvider that references the higher
level Entity Foo?  Or should I stick with ListView and ::setList()
(after Foo's LDM refreshes the list)?  Something else?

Is the answer the same when the data *are* Entities, but are already
loaded via the LDM of another Entity?

class Foo
        private Set<OtherEntity> = new TreeSet<OtherEntity>();


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