Hi all!, 

I have some questions about parameter passing in portal environment. I
saw that WebPage class can have access to the Application class
but not the portlet class. This makes a little tricky to handle requests

We can set session paramaters. And can call functions inside Application

public void onClick()
        int index = ((LoopItem)getParent()).getIteration();
        ExampleApplication ea =
                index + 1);
        PortletSession session =


But it will be the portlet class the responsible for handling
processing. So the only way to pass information from the onClick
function to the
portlet application for rendering (for example) is using the portlet

But I suppose that's not the preferred way.

What's the best way to pass information to the portlet class? Is there
any way to use the portlet class like we use the application class
(WicketExamplesMenuApplication.getExamples() ->

I also saw that in the portlet example, the examples structure is
initialized by the WicketExamplesMenuPortlet and sent to the
WicketExamplesMenuApplication using the servlet context. But this will
overbloat the servlet attributes storage space. Also this should be
solved if webpages could access to the portlet class directly.

Why to do this way?

I want to know all this because I want to use shared render parameters
(I put there a user id and all the portlets update accordingly). To do
this I will do:

        1.- Onclick: Put the Id on the session like above.
        2.- Portlet.DoView: Recover id from session and store it in
        shared render params.
        3.- Delete it from session.

Is this the correct way to do it?

Thank you very much in advance...

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