I apologize in advance if there is a completely obvious solution to this
that I have missed...

Is it possible to "pass in" parameters to a panel via the markup?

Eg., Let's say that there are number of different ways that a particular
panel could be rendered and that these ways are largely determined by
the choice of data source or perhaps even the amount of data to display
(from a collection for example).

Now let's say that I wanted to provide some level of control over which
data source is chosen by allowing the user to pass in an extra
'parameter' in the markup when declaring the panel in the source markup

<span wicket:id="myPanel" wicket:attribute="value" /span>

So for example we might have a panel that displays the 'top 10 songs' or
the 'top 50 songs' on a music site. The panel is exactly the same in
each instance but the markup container that uses that panel can control
how many songs are displayed via specification of an extra parameter
('count' in the following example).


One page could have a lot of space and so decide to show the top 50:

<span wicket:id="songChart" wicket:count="50" /span>

However another page that is more dense might only have room to display
the top 10 songs

<span wicket:id="songChart" wicket:count="10" /span>

But in each case the markup and code for the panel itself does not need
to change.

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