are you sharing your wicket jars? is both 1.2.6 and 1.4.1 in a servlet
container's shared lib dir?


On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 6:09 AM, A. Zwaan <> wrote:
> Hello all,
> At the moment we migrated one of our applications to wicket 1.4.1 to
> solve an issue, but some of our other application are still running on
> wicket 1.2.6.
> Now we ran into a problem with, both wicket versions
> use the same file and both versions look up ALL the
> files on the classpath, which results in one of both application loading
> the wrong Initializer class. Running in separate server instances is a
> possibility of course, but atm we already have too many of them, so we
> prefer to run within one server instance.
> Is there any way around this issue?
> Also why didn't wicket choose to use a differently named properties file
> (only used internally) for the new wicket version?
> It would have allowed to run both version within the same instance
> without much problems (packages are different already anyway).
> Thanks in advance.
> Met vriendelijke groet,
> Arjan Zwaan
> F I N A N  F i n a n c i a l   A n a l y s i s
> Koggelaan 5-D
> 8017 JH Zwolle
> ( Tel. : +31 88 77 88 990
> 7 E-mail: <>
> : Internet: <>
> (Findesk BV) KvK nr. 29039392

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