I have the below snippet of code used to allow the user to change their password by typing their old password and then typing in their new password twice. Not sure why but I'm getting the following exception when the code is executed:

WicketMessage: No get method defined for class: class org.cityofchicago.dor.ezdec.domain.security.EzdecUser _expression_: controlPassword

Things were working fine until I moved the password stuff to the WebMarkupContainer.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

PasswordTextField oldPasswordField = new PasswordTextField("oldPassword", new Model()) {
            public void validate() {
                if (!MD5Helper.toMD5(getInput()).equals(EzdecSession.getCurrentUser().getPassword())) {
                    error(new IValidationError() {
                        public String getErrorMessage(IErrorMessageSource arg0) {
                            return "Old password does not match password on file. Please ensure caps lock is not on and try again.";
//        form.add(oldPasswordField);

        PasswordTextField passwordField1 = new PasswordTextField("password");
        passwordField1.add(StringValidator.lengthBetween(6, 50));
//        form.add(passwordField1);

        PasswordTextField passwordField2 = new PasswordTextField("controlPassword");
//        form.add(passwordField2);

        form.add(new EqualPasswordInputValidator(passwordField1, passwordField2));

        WebMarkupContainer passwordWmc = new WebMarkupContainer("passwordWmc") {

            public boolean isVisible() {
                if ((!EzdecSession.getCurrentUser().equals(user)) && (EzdecSession.getCurrentUser().isAnyAdministratorUser())) {
                    return false;
                } else {
                    return true;



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