Dear wicket users,

I have a lazy loading panel. The components inside the generated panel (i.e. 
the panel that is generated inside the getLazyLoadComponent method) have some 
header contributing ajax behaviors (jQuery etc.).

The lazyly loaded components render javascript resources to the head section 
oft he page.

When the page is created, the header does not contain any <script src="..."> 
tags. That's clear because wicket does not know which resources are needed by 
the lazyly loaded panel. The <script src="..."> tags are part of the ajax 

IN IE this works well but in other Browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari) the 
javascript functionality does not work.

We have to put the <script src="..."> manually into the parent page.

Is this a known behavior? Does anybody know a magic trick to get the javascript 
librarys working that are part oft he ajax response?

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