Some very brief pseudo code.  Let us know if you need more detail.

public MyWizard(IModel<Foo> model) {
setModel(new Model<Foo>(model.getObject());
.... initialize wizard steps - passing them this.getModel() so they all use
the same model ....

make sure to pass all of your wizard steps AND the form inside your modal
the same model.

Then, in your wizard step and form, use property models (or a compound
property model):

new MyStep(IModel<Foo> model) {
add(new Label("firstName", new PropertyModel(model, "firstName"));
.. or ..
setModel(new CompoundPropertyModel(model));
add(new Label("firstName");

new MyForm(IModel<Foo> model) {
add(new TextField("firstName", new PropertyModel(model, "firstName"));
.. or ..
setModel(new CompoundPropertyModel(model));
add(new TextField("firstName");

By doing this, your modal form will actually update the object that is also
backing the wizard.  Then, you should just be able to submit the form, close
the modal, and add the wizard step components to the ajax request (so that
they will be repainted). When they are repainted, they will pull the values
from the model object, which was updated by your form.

If you hit a wall with that, you *may* have to set the model on your wizard
step to the model from your form.  For instance:

// in your ajax submit:
// close modal

Jeremy Thomerson

On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 11:24 AM, Jeffrey Schneller <> wrote:

> I have a modal inside a wizard step.  The modal is displaying and
> showing data.  The modal is using a panel and not a page.  The panel for
> the modal contains a form with text fields.  The wizard step contains
> labels.
> I want to have a save and a cancel button in the modal.  The save should
> take the values from the text fields and update the model in the wizard
> step.  The wizard step should now show the updated values in the label.
> I tried implementing an AjaxButton in the panel for the modal but it
> never does anything.
> How would one do this?  Example code, pseudo-code?
> Thanks.

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