I'm considering it :)

There are a lot of benefits to doing transactions at service call level ("truthful" user feedback for one, not having to deal with requests for resources hitting the transaction filter being another). Spring's AOP support actually makes doing this as simple and maintainable as it's ever likely to be (@Transactional annotations, or marking a whole class as transactional), so if we decide it's necessary it is reasonably trivial to implement.

The main pro for per-request transactions is the complete seperation of transaction concerns.

In the meantime I have a Filter-based solution, or I can hook into the wicket request cycle.


For now,
James Carman wrote:
That's the problem with transaction-per-request.  Why not put your
transaction around your service/domain methods rather than around the
entire request cycle?

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 5:19 AM, Iain Reddick
<iain.redd...@beatsystems.com> wrote:
For anyone in this situation (having to use a transaction filter), here is a
solution that uses a response wrapper to delay the redirect until after the
transaction has completed:

private class DelayedRedirectWrapper extends HttpServletResponseWrapper {

      private String redirectLocation;
            public DelayedRedirectWrapper(HttpServletResponse response) {
      public void sendRedirect(String location) throws IOException {
          redirectLocation = location;
            public void doCachedRedirect() throws IOException {
          if ( redirectLocation != null ) {
              super.sendRedirect( redirectLocation );

This is then used in the filter's doFilter method like this:

DelayedRedirectWrapper responseWrapper = new DelayedRedirectWrapper(
response );
filterChain.doFilter( request, wrappedResponse );

You could easily put the redirect-delaying code in it's own filter, for


Iain Reddick wrote:

I'm working on a Wicket / Hibernate / Spring app, with a configuration
that uses spring's OSIV filter and my own transaction filter (basically a
transaction per-request pattern).

I've run into a problem involving the order of transaction commits and
redirect reponses (triggered by setResponsePage()).

The problem state is shown below:

1. User submits a form to create a new entity
2. Submit handler calls service to save new entity
3. Submit handler calls setResponsePage for page showing overview of new
4. Wicket request cycle completes (I'm assuming this is where wicket does
the response.redirect())
5. Redirect is sent to browser
6. Browser requests new page, which fails as backing entity hasn't been
persisted yet
7. Transaction is commited, and new entity is persisted

This is obviously a race condition between 6 and 7 (i.e. if 6 and 7 are
reversed, everything is OK).

Now, I'm aware that this isn't a wicket-specific issue, but the way wicket
works as a framework means that this situation is much more likely than in a
model 2 style framework.

Is transaction per-request using filters a reasonable configuration to use
with wicket and, if so, how can I ensure that any redirects occur after my
transaction has been committed?

(My guess is to use onBeginRequest and onEndRequest, but that assumes that
onEndRequest happens before redirection)


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