you can use getinput() to get the raw value or override
wantOnSelectionChangedNotifications() to return true and implement a
listener in onSelectionChanged, but then its not ajax.


On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 6:02 AM, Christian Reiter <> wrote:
> Hello!
> I've got a DropDownChoice in one of my forms, with which the user can select
> a icon.
> I want to display a preview of this icon beneath the drop down choice box.
> Therefore I added an AjaxFormValidatingBehavior to the DropDownChoice. Now,
> when
> the user changes the value of the DropDownChoice I get informed in the
> onError or onSubmit
> method of the AjaxFormValidatingBehavior. Everything works fine if the form
> validation is
> ok and the form data gets synced to my data model (then I query my model for
> the selected icon
> and update the corresponding Image and send it to the client).
> The problem occurs when the form validation doesn't work, because in this
> case, the
> form data isn't synced to the model and I have no chance to know which icon
> was selected
> by the user (through the DropDownChoice). As I want to display a preview of
> the icon also
> if any of the previous form components didn't validate successful, I am in
> need of a method
> which tells me which Icon was chosen by the user, regardless of the previous
> validation
> result.
> Is this possible?
> Thanks in anticipation!
> Best Regards,
> chris
> --
> Christian Reiter    |||
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