I am trying to display a page using my CompoundPropertyModel however
some of the values coming from the model need to be localized before
displaying to the user.  This is being done inside of a wizard step.


For example:


My model has the following properties


String gender

boolean active


Gender is either male or female

I have a getter in my object which is getActiveString which returns Yes
or No based on the T/F of the Boolean.    public String
getActiveString() {if (active) { return "Yes";} else {return "No";}}


The html is:

<span wicket:id="gender"></span>

<span wicket:id="activeString"></span>


The java code is:

add(new Label("gender"));

add(new Label("activeString"));



The issue is that I need to localize the gender value.  The activeString
also needs to be localized.


How would one do this?  I need to store the values in the model as they
are since it is being persisted to a db.  However for certain users the
data needs to be shown in their particular language when presented on
the page.


Any ideas?


BTW... thanks you all for your previous help.  I am finally in the final
steps of development for my project.






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