
I'm trying to adapt the 'CachingPanel' strategy from JL's '26 Wicket Tricks'
to a Page, in order to cache an entire HomePage. It is a requirement that
this Page (it is a HomePage) should be rendered like it was static HTML
(actually the application generated that static html at some moment by means
of templates).

This is the source for CachingPanel from GoogleCode:


I've tried to simply extend WebPage instead of Panel in CachingPanel, but
then it turns out in "onRender's" overriding that markupStream is always
null... My question is: Is "onRender" the right method to override taking
into account it is about a whole page and not a Panel
(markupStream.skipComponent does not make much sense)...

I'd appreciate any directions on these one, as this matter is regarding the
internals of Wicket, and I'd like to have some security on what's happening
behind the scenes...

Thank you very much !

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