Hi everyone,

I've had a report from a user of a Wicket app, that when the AjaxLink to open a 
ModalWindow is clicked, the ModalWindow opens and the browser freezes. This is 
on IE8 and in Windows 7 or XP. However, running it in Compatibility Mode it 
seemed to work. Works ok in other browsers.

Has anyone experienced this? The code is nothing out of the ordinary I don't 

Unless its the getParent() calls to get the ModelObject for this list item? 
Could I do that another way?

final AjaxLink connectionLink = new AjaxLink("connectionLink") {
        public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
                //get this item, reinit some values and set content for modal
        SearchResult this_searchResult = 
        final String userUuid = this_searchResult.getUserUuid();
AddFriend(connectionWindow.getContentId(), userUuid, some more params…)); 
        // connection modal window handler 
ModalWindow.WindowClosedCallback() {
                        public void onClose(AjaxRequestTarget target){
                //update some labels


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