Hi all,

I am proud to announce the semi-new JavaEE Inject project in Wicket
Stuff Core, which was formerly known as wicket-contrib-javaee.

The goal of the project:
Make the @EJB, @Resource and @PersistenceUnit annotations available for
Wicket users, to make the development more easier. This means, that when
your components are instantiating, the annotated fields will be injected
properly, so you can use them for whatever you want.

The project itself didn't changed much, some javac warnings has been
solved, but it has now a newer Example application too, which will
demonstrate for you the usage of the annotation based injecting. The
example is based on maven, so this would be also a good example on how
to use enterprise applications with wicket and maven.

So now, if you think, that this stuff is cool and want to use it, you
only have to do the followings:
- Add Wicket Stuff Repository to your maven repository list (if you've
not already done so):
- Add the JavaEE Inject dependency to your web module:
- Follow the Wiki instructions at
http://wicketstuff.org/confluence/display/STUFFWIKI/wicket-contrib-javaee or
try out for yourself the example application.
- Profit

Project Future:
In the future, I would like to create a more up-to-date documentation
for the project, better JavaDoc, and solve the JIRA issues too, and of
course follow the modifications of the Wicket framework, so the project
could work with the newest version always.

Best Regards,
Peter Major

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