This is DataProvider and ListPage.
All is fine where i work with only one entity.
My DAO returns data from table assotiated with this entity and another table.
How i can provide access to this data from my DataTable?

public class MyDomainDataProvider extends
SortableDataProvider<MyDomain> implements IFilterStateLocator {

    DataSource dataSource = QueryFactory.getDataSource();
    private final MyDomainDAOImpl dao = new MyDomainDAOImpl(dataSource);
    private MyDomain filter = new MyDomain();
    private String sql = new String();

    public MyDomainDataProvider() throws QueryException {
        // set default sort
        setSort("id", true);

    public Iterator<? extends MyDomain> iterator(int first, int count) {
        SortParam sp = getSort();
        //String x = FilterCriterionFactory.getFilteredSQL(filter);
        String tmp = filter.getName();
        if (tmp != null) {
            sql = "where name like '%" + tmp + "%'";
        } else {
            sql = "where name like '%'";
        Integer tmp2 = filter.getId();
        if (tmp2 != null) {
            sql += " and id like '%" + tmp2 + "%'";

        return (Iterator<? extends MyDomain>)
dao.getDataAsEntity(MyDomain.class, first, count, sp.getProperty(),
sp.isAscending(), "select * from mydomain " + sql).iterator();

    public IModel<MyDomain> model(MyDomain my) {
        return new Model<MyDomain>(my);

    public int size() {
        String tmp = filter.getName();
        if (tmp != null) {
            //sql = "where name like '%" + tmp + "%'";
        } else {
            //sql = "where name like '%'";
        Integer tmp2 = filter.getId();
        if (tmp2 != null) {
            sql += " and id like '%" + tmp2 + "%'";
        return dao.getResultSetFullSize(MyDomainDAOImpl.SELECT_ALL_SQL + sql);

    public Object getFilterState() {
        return filter;

    public void setFilterState(Object state) {
        filter = (MyDomain) state;

    public MyListPage(PageParameters params) throws QueryException {
        MyDataProvider provider = new MyDataProvider();

        IColumn[] columns = new IColumn[]{
            new PropertyColumn(new
Model<String>(getString("List.FieldName.Id")), "id", "id"),
            new TextFilteredPropertyColumn(new
Model<String>(getString("List.FieldName.Name")), "name", "name"),
            new TextFilteredPropertyColumn(new
Model<String>(getString("List.FieldName.Ip")), "ip", "ip"),
            new TextFilteredPropertyColumn(new
Model<String>(getString("List.FieldName.Port")), "port", "port"),
            new TextFilteredPropertyColumn(new
Model<String>(getString("List.FieldName.Description")), "description",
            new PropertyColumn(new
Model<String>(getString("List.FieldName.NodeId")), "nodeid"),

            new FilteredAbstractColumn<Object>(new
Model<String>(getString("List.Actions"))) {

                public Component getFilter(String componentId,
FilterForm form) {
                    return new GoAndClearFilter(componentId, form, new
ResourceModel("List.Filter"), new ResourceModel("List.Clear"));

                public void populateItem(Item cellItem, String
componentId, IModel rowModel) {
                    cellItem.add(new UserActionsPanel(componentId, rowModel));

        AjaxDataTable dataTable = new AjaxDataTable("table", columns,
provider, 2);
        final FilterForm form = new FilterForm("filter-form", provider);
        dataTable.addTopToolbar(new FilterToolbar(dataTable, form, provider));

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