looks like BookmarkablePageRequestTarget.respond(RequestCycle requestCycle) has 
code to strip "./" if url starts with it.

can it be changed to strip "." as well?  will it be the right fix?
> From: vad...@hotmail.com
> To: users@wicket.apache.org
> Subject: root context, IE, home page is not found
> Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 20:36:55 +0000
> all,
> my wicket 1.4.5 application is configured to run in root context. for some 
> reason, when it sets response page to the home page (which is not mounted), 
> the webserver produces error: The requested resource () is not available.
> here's the code:
> formFooter.add(new Link<Void>(ID_LINK_HOME)
> {
> private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
> @Override
> public void onClick()
> {
> setResponsePage(getApplication().getHomePage());
> }
> });
> it happens only with IE (6, 7), only with root context, with Tomcat 6 and 
> Sun's Glassfish servers. looks like URL generated in that case has '.' 
> appended to it: "http://localhost/.";.
> if i simply hit F5 in the browser after the error shows up, it opens home 
> page just fine.
> if i use bookmarkable link, it works fine: formFooter.add(new 
> BookmarkablePageLink<HomePage>(ID_LINK_HOME, 
> getApplication().getHomePage()).setAutoEnable(true));
> the issue looks very similar to 
> http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-1449
> is there a workaround?
> Thanks,
> Vadim
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