
Thanks. I will check it out


On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 9:24 AM, Adrian Wiesmann <>wrote:

> Hi there
> On 1/28/10 6:18 AM, Josh Kamau wrote:
>  How do i layout components dynamically in panel? i.e, there is not markup
>> like a table to determine the position?
>> if i write myPanel.add(field1)  and myPanel.add(field2) and i want the
>> fields to be laid out a) side by side b) one below the other, how do i do
>> it
>> ?
> As was mentioned before, with repeaters. I am working on Gozer - an OSS UI
> library - which is (the name already implies) heavily borrowing ideas from
> XUL. With Gozer you define your UI model within an XML file. The Wicket
> renderer takes this XML and builds an object tree consisting of Wicket based
> panels. Some of these panels are boxes. Boxes can either be of family xbox
> or vbox. Such boxes either repeat containing child-components horizontally
> or vertically. From what I read about your application, you will probably
> code something similar.
> This link contains some info:
> Talking about Swing there, but the concept is the same. The "form"
> containing the "formfield" in the sample image somewhere in the center of
> the page would be a xbox. Which means a simple vertical repeater which
> renders every formfield below the other. A formfield would be a simple panel
> in Wicket which inherits TextField from Wicket.
> Cheers,
> Adrian
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