I did this with an IVisitor, that traverses all form components and adds an 
AbstractBehavior to each required inputfield. This Behavior writes an 
"<span>*</span>" right after the component has been painted.

Watch this pdf for an example: 
http://code.google.com/p/londonwicket/downloads/list and than "   
LondonWicket-FormsWithFlair.pdf "

As "setComponentBorder" is deprecated in newer wicket versions i left the 
componentBorder part out, no need for it.

For making it work with ajax, i had also to implement 
and to add the forms parent as a target oft he calling button


-----Original Message-----
From: Martin U [mailto:ufer.mar...@googlemail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 1:14 PM
To: users@wicket.apache.org
Subject: Easier using of FormComponentFeedbackIndicator for many fields?!

Hi Folks,

i've to implement many form-pages with a lot of (more than 30) input fields,
and each of them should be validated at least of "required" or not.
but the request is to show the validation-errors behind the depeding
component.. so iam using FormComponentFeedbackIndicator now and everything
works fine with:

searchfield = new RequiredTextField<String>("seachfield", new
PropertyModel<String>(SearchPanel.this, "searchString"));

indicator = new FormComponentFeedbackIndicator("searchfield_indicator");

this is an ajax-form so i have to add this to onSubmit too for each
validating field.

protected void onError(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form) {

Is there any Hint to easier this implementation?

What i imagine is something like:

searchfield = new *RequiredValidatedTextField*<String>("seachfield", new
PropertyModel<String>(SearchPanel.this, "searchString"));

and inside this child class iam building a indicator

but how could i add the "indicator"-Span dynamically to the markup and how
could i do the target.addComponent than?

Thanks for any hints.

- Martin

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