
I am trying to write a code generator (using Clickframes code generation
framework) which would generate a fully working Wicket project directly from
the Spec. Is there a document which describes the best practice for
folder/package structure in a wicket project.

To write the code generator, the only thing I need to know is the Wicket
project structure that I should be created. For example:
1) should html files be colocated in src/main/java/com/mypackage/ along with
Java files (as in the helloworld example) or in src/main/webapp.
2) should there be one html file per page (I am assuming yes)
... and other such questions related to folder structure

I am the lead developer of open source code generation framework Clickframes
(http://www.clickframes.org) and have written a similar code generator for
JSF/Seam which instantly gives you a working app directly from the spec
which the developer can then customize. I think a similar approach for
Wicket would be very helpful to Wicket users who are trying to start a brand
new project.

Here's what I have so far.

I am a Wicket novice, so any help or direction is appreciated.


Vineet Manohar

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