
we are currently developing our first application with Wicket -- and
naturally we run into some problems/questions :)

One of the' frameworkish' things we've done is to create 'base page'
that we want to be able switch the look & feel (theme) depending on
the settings (e.g. depending on where/how user is accessing a given

In one of the themes we are using, we want to do a rounded corner on
the dual-colored page. Our designers came up with the HTML that
requires manipulating style attribute on the corresponding div tag,
basically something like:
style="background-image: url(/images/corner.gif); background-repeat:
no-repeat; background-position: right 13px"

Now since this is the 'base page' that will be reused in different
projects we can't hardcode absolute path to the image (at the very
least it is needed to adjust the path based on application context).
Plus to make reuse really easy we decided to store resources
(including images) together with the java/html files.

As far as I could figure out, in this case we need to use
ResourceReference to refer to the resources/images.

I came up with the following code (getWicketVariationContribution()
below returns string that denotes name of the current 'theme'):

OurLookAndFeel lnf = getLookAndFeel();
ResourceReference background =
    new ResourceReference( BasePage.class,
        lnf.getWicketVariationContribution() + "/images/corner.gif");
String styling = "background-image: url(" + urlFor(background) + ");
background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: right 13px";
AttributeModifier mod = new AttributeModifier("style", true, new

This seemed to work fine until I've run into some redirect issues with
Internet Explorer.

Basically we have application setup under /context/. We have our
StartPage mapped to 'apply' via:
mount(new HybridUrlCodingStrategy("apply", StartPage.class));
(in production we are going to be using encrypted urls for non-entry
point pages).

The sequence of events if accessed from e.g. Opera is like this:
request: /context/
redirect: /context/apply
request: /context/apply
redirect: /context/apply.0 (and set cookie too)
request: /context/apply.0
response: the page
then there are resource requests etc, everything works normally.

However under IE it is different. First it goes like above for Opera,
but then, suddenly there is the following request:
request: GET /context/apply/wicket:interface/:0::INewBrowserWindowListener::
response: the page is rendered again using the same page instance

I'm guessing that this might be due to a 'new window detection' or
some such. I'm not terribly concerned about the fact though -- but
please let me know if this doesn't work like it should.

The thing I'm concerned with is the style attribute outlined above.
The resulting style attribute looks like this:
background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: right 13px"

This works perfectly fine when page url is /context/apply.0, however
it fails completely with page url being in entirely different
'folder': /context/apply/wicket:interface/:0::INewBrowserWindowListener::
Not only it fails to load the image, it also produces exception on the Tomcat:
org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException: Internal error parsing
wicket:interface = resources

I did some experimentation and the problem appears to be due to the
fact that I lock the style contents at page creation time. Since
initially page is created for /context/apply.0 URL (as I said, the
same page instance is reused by Wicket when rendering redirected
'INewBrowserWindowListener' URL)., the created style string is invalid
for redirected URL. When I create similar URL in onBeforeRender() it
results (after redirect) in proper URL:

However I don't really want to use onBeforeRender() for populating
page components. It would make (in my opinion) page code less readable
and among other things I'll have to track somehow whether I already
added style attribute before (there's no addOrRemove() method and
remove() method throws exception if can't find what to remove).

At any rate this seems to be a terribly convoluted approach -- I
strongly suspect that I'm missing something obvious here :) Something
as simple as:
link.add(new Image("logoImage"));
that is used to replace image path in HTML with resource-relative image path.

So what would be the proper way to render style attribute dynamically
to include reference(s) to image(s) located together with java/html

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