Please don't re-post.  We've already started to answer your question
in another thread (I asked you if you had a Connection field

2010/2/26 björn liffers <>:
> hello,
> i´ve got a problem with serialization.
> my application is connected to a mysql-db and every class of mine implements 
> serializable.
> but still there are exceptions telling me that java.lang.Object isn´t 
> serializable...
> <quote>
> Unable to serialize class: java.lang.Object
> private java.util.Map com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.charsetConverterMap 
> [class=java.util.HashMap]
> private java.util.Map 
> com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.charsetConverterMap[write:1][write:2] 
> [class=java.lang.Object] <----- field that is not serializable
> </quote>
> is there a possibility to deactivate serialization?
> or how shall i solve this problem?
> kind regards ans many thanks to those who can help me out of the 
> serialization-jungle (never serialized anything before and i am relatively 
> new to wicket with my very first real wicket-project)
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