are you on 1.4.6, if yes please upgrade to 1.4.7 and see if the problem

On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 9:16 PM, Tony Wu <> wrote:

> I have a Signup page that's mounted using
> mountBookmarkablePage("/section/signup", Signup.class). On that page I have
> a panel which has a button that onclick, will basically redirect to itself -
> it does setResponsePage(panel.getPage().getClass()). When the button is
> clicked it redirects me to /section/section/signup instead of
> /section/signup.
> I've isolated the issue in that it doesn't like the mount name. If I use
> "/section-signup" as the URL name instead (without the frontslash) it works
> perfectly. Is this a bug?
> Thanks,
> Tony

Vineet Semwal

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