this is purely a spring question no? why dont you ask on their forums...


On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 11:38 AM, Alec Swan <> wrote:
> I use @SpringBean to wire service classes in my Wicket pages and it works 
> great.
> My service classes have dependencies on DAO classes. I am currently
> wiring DAO classes into service classes adding setters for them and
> adding them in the service classes and also specifying DAOs as
> <property> elements in the Spring application context XML. This
> approach works, but is verbose.
> I would like to just annotate the DAO dependency with @Autowired
> annotation in my service class and have it automatically injected by
> Spring. This doesn't work and the DAO is never injected.
> How can I fix this?
> Thanks.
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