On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 1:50 PM, Mynhardt Vlok <> wrote:

> Hey community
> I'm testing / using wicket at the moment and have to convince my company to
> use the framework.
> I really enjoy wicket and it's ease of use. Thing is my company has asked
> me
> two valid questions
> which I hope the community can answer.
> 1. How is wicket's stress load? For example could you use the framework for
> example as an interface to a banking system
>    that handles hundreds of requests at the same time?
> 2. And i think this question relates to the first one, is wicket being
> adopted by big businesses? Do they use it for their
>    web interfaces?
> If anyone can answer these questions I would appreciate it as I would like
> to convince them to use this framework.

Anantha Kumaran(

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