always save your cookies using the / path


On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 10:14 AM, Daniele Dellafiore <> wrote:
> Hi.
> During the login I set a cookie called "login".
> It works but when I want to logout, getWebRequest().getCookie("login")
> does  not found the cookie so it does not remove it. The user is redirected
> to the LoginPage where it still found the original cookie that auto login
> the client.
> Why? Because the first time I search for the cookie, WebRequest have context
> / while the second time, in the LoginPage, has context /login. The reason is
> that the public page, when user land when is not logged in, is mounted this
> way:
> mountBookmarkablePage("login", LoginPage.class);
> this make the cookie be set for WebRequest with context /public.
> Logout link instead search for WebRequest with context /, with no cookie, so
> it cannot remove the old one and the user is logged out and logged in again
> automatically.
> In fact, If I do not mount pages, everything works. But I want to have nice
> URL. It is not important that landing page is /public, I would prefere that
> both landing page and home page (after signing in), have just / context.
> How can I achieve this? Any ideas?
> Thanks!
> --
> Daniele Dellafiore

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