
I have a real big problem and cant find any solution: What I want to do ist to have a master/detail view, where a DropDownChoice is the master to select the detail. The detail view is also used to save new Items and where some fields are 'required'.

1.) I need some kind of submit behavior. AjaxEventBehavior("onchange") will not work, because it doesn't deliver the current selection. 2.) Master and detail must be 2 different forms, because if I use one form, I would get a validation error when the required fields are not set what is not intended when I just want to select another item.

What I did at the moemnt is something like

<form id="masterForm" method="post" wicket:id="masterForm">
<select id="selNotamFilter2" wicket:id="selNotamFilter2"/>
<form id="detailsForm" method="post" wicket:id="detailsForm">

and the handling is done in this way:

               protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
DropDownChoice<String> component = (DropDownChoice<String>) this.getComponent(); Details selected = getMatchingItem(component.getConvertedInput());

So I come to the point that I have the right details to set and can also set the details to the model, but whatever I add via target.addComponent(...) is not updated after the request.

So my question is what do I wrong? (Is it not possible to update one form from another form?) What can I do to get this right? (I find absolutely no solution for a quite common ans simpel problem in my opinion and this stuff cost me already days).

Thanks a lot for any help!


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