each list item is attached to the tr tag. Therefore the OddEvenItem
solution just works. Did you try it?


On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 9:24 AM, Arnaud Garcia <arn...@imagemed-87.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Defenitively it is more elegant to use the "OddEvenItem" object instead of
> using my boolean... but it doesn't change my problem...
> Changing the class of the items can be done easily (see my code, or you can
> use OddEventItem etc..) But the problem is to change the class at the upper
> level in the <tr> ?
> I am certainely not clear, so I can reformulate like this: how can you
> create a table where lines are blue then white and so on when you iterate
> over a ListView...
> thanks for help,
> Arnaud
> 2010/3/28 Mauro Ciancio <maurocian...@gmail.com>
>> Take a look at:
>> ListItem#newItem(final int index)
>> and:
>> org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.OddEvenItem.
>> Cheers.
>> On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 11:40 AM, Arnaud Garcia <arn...@imagemed-87.com>
>> wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > Using a ListView on a <tr> html markup, I would like to alternate the
>> > background color of each "new" tr when the list iterate...
>> >
>> > I just find how to do this on the label inside the td... not on the <tr>
>> > level..., so just the background color of the title is changed and not
>> the
>> > full line !
>> >
>> > here is an example of my code....
>> >
>> > html:
>> > --------
>> >
>> > <table>
>> >    <tr wicket:id="cdList">
>> >       <td><span wicket:id="title"/></td>
>> >    </tr>
>> > </table>
>> >
>> >
>> > java:
>> > ------
>> > ListView<CD> aList = new ListView<CD>("cdList",CDList) {
>> >
>> >         private boolean alternateLine = true; // to switch css class
>> > attribute at each new item...
>> >
>> >         @Override
>> >         protected void populateItem(ListItem<CD> item) {
>> >
>> >             Label title = new Label("title", new
>> > PropertyModel<String>(item.getModelObject(), "title"));
>> >
>> >             if (alternateLine) {
>> >                 title.add(new SimpleAttributeModifier("class", "line1"));
>> > // change the color !
>> >             } else {
>> >                 title.add(new SimpleAttributeModifier("class", "line2"));
>> >             }
>> >             alternateLine = !alternateLine;
>> >
>> >             item.add(title)
>> >            }
>> > }
>> >
>> >
>> > thanks,
>> >
>> > Arnaud
>> >
>> --
>> Mauro Ciancio <maurociancio at gmail dot com>
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