
I'm a liitle confused about AjaxSubmitLink's JavaDoc, and the code inside
it... I'm using Wicket 1.3.6:

If/when javascript is turned off in the browser, or it doesn't support
> javascript, then the
> browser will not respond to the onclick event, using the href directly.
> Wicket will then use a
> normal request target, and call the serverside onClick with a null {...@link
> AjaxRequestTarget}.

First question is, does it really mean 'serverside onClick' ? Or should it
read 'serverside onSubmit' ?

And then, in the code, I see :

protected void onComponentTag(ComponentTag tag)
>     {
>         super.onComponentTag(tag);
>         if (isLinkEnabled())
>         {
>             if (tag.getName().toLowerCase().equals("a"))
>             {
>                 tag.put("href", "#");
>             }
>         }
>         else
>         {
>             disableLink(tag);
>         }
>     }

So it seems this component never gets to have anything else than # in its
href, so it won't do anything when js is not enabled...

Is this an error in the documentation ?


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