I have a form with a checkbox ,  text and a  textarea with tinymce
I added    AjaxFormSubmitBehavior   to the checkbox here the code

   add(new CheckBox("concur"){ { add(new
AjaxFormSubmitBehavior(ResolveFindingForm.this,"onChange"){ @Override
protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target) { Object
System.out.println(s); } @Override protected void onError(AjaxRequestTarget
target) { } }); } });
on selecting the checkbox,     in the  onSubmit methood in
I get the user entered value for adjustedAmt which is a text , but the user
entered value for actionTakedDesc which is textarea with tinymce behaviour
is always null.
Please tell me why is it not updating for model with tinymce text ?
I also have ajaxsubmitbutton which works fine , but AjaxFormSubmitBehavior
is not updating value of tinymce textarea .

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