Wicket stores the "state" (its fields) of a component (and thus pages)
between requests.  So, your idea should work.  Did you see any
serialization errors/warnings on your output log?  Perhaps the
component's state can't be serialized?

On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 3:10 PM, Anh <7za...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having trouble on how to best implement something simple:
> I'm frequently finding the need to have 2 Models for a component:
> One Model is the bound data object (persisted),
> The other is lightweight UI state, such as whether a section is expanded, etc.
> The UI state is not needed outside of the component itself.
> It does not make sense to combine it with the bound data Model.
> When I first ran into this need, I tried storing the UI state as
> properties in the component, without using a model for it.
> This led to issues with the state resetting on refresh, etc.
> What I think I need is a Model that:
> * Is instantiated by the component
> * Keeps state across a page refresh
> * Ajax component refresh.
> * Leaving the page and loading the page later should reset the UI state.
> * UI state is not persisted in a DB, etc.
> What might be the best way to do the above?
> Thanks
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