another new callback added to 1.4/trunk that is aimed at making life
easier when managing component states such as visibility, enabled,

         * Called once per request on components before they are about to be
rendered. This method
         * should be used to configure such things as visibility and enabled 
         * <p>
         * Overrides must call {...@code super.onInitialize()}, usually before
any other code
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * NOTE: Component hierarchy should not be modified inside this
method, instead it should be
         * done in {...@link #onBeforeRender()}
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * NOTE: Why this method is preferrable to directly overriding {...@link
#isVisible()} and
         * {...@link #isEnabled()}? Because those methods are called multiple
times even for processing of
         * a single request. If they contain expensive logic they can slow
down the response time of the
         * entire page. Further, overriding those methods directly on form
components may lead to
         * inconsistent or unexpected state depending on when those methods
are called in the form
         * processing workflow. It is a better practice to push changes to
state rather than pull.
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * NOTE: If component's visibility or another property depends on
another component you may call
         * {...@code other.configure()} followed by {...@code 
other.isVisible()} as
mentioned in
         * {...@link #configure()} javadoc.
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * NOTE: Why should {...@link #onBeforeRender()} not be used for this?
Because if visibility of a
         * component is toggled inside {...@link #onBeforeRender()} another
method needs to be overridden
         * to make sure {...@link #onBeforeRender()} will be invoked on ivisible
         * <pre>
         * class MyComponent extends WebComponent
         * {
         *      protected void onBeforeRender()
         *      {
         *              setVisible(Math.rand() &gt; 0.5f);
         *              super.onBeforeRender();
         *      }
         *      // if this override is forgotten, once invisible component will
never become visible
         *      protected boolean callOnBeforeRenderIfNotVisible()
         *      {
         *              return true;
         *      }
         * }
         * </pre>
         * VS
         * <pre>
         * class MyComponent extends WebComponent
         * {
         *      protected void onConfigure()
         *      {
         *              setVisible(Math.rand() &gt; 0.5f);
         *              super.onConfigure();
         *      }
         * }
         * </pre>
        protected void onConfigure()


         * Triggers {...@link #onConfigure()} to be invoked on this component if
it has not already during
         * this request.
         * <p>
         * This method should be invoked before any calls to {...@link 
#isVisible()} or
         * {...@link #isEnabled()}. Usually this method will be called by the
framework before the
         * component is rendered and so users should not need to call it;
however, in cases where
         * visibility or enabled or other state of one component depends on
the state of another this
         * method should be manually invoked on the other component by the
user. EG to link visiliby of
         * two markup containers the following should be done:
         * <pre>
         * final WebMarkupContainer source=new WebMarkupContainer("a") {
         *      protected void onConfigure() {
         *    setVisible(Math.rand()>0.5f);
         *  }
         * };
         * WebMarkupContainer linked=new WebMarkupContainer("b") {
         *      protected void onConfigure() {
         *              source.configure(); // make sure source is configured
         *              setVisible(source.isVisible());
         *  }
         * }
         * </pre>
         * </p>
        public final void configure()
                if (!getFlag(FLAG_CONFIGURED))
                        setFlag(FLAG_CONFIGURED, true);

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