Good Day all!

I'm having a strange problem that's probably going to be something
really stupidly simple that I'm missing...

I have a new webapp that I created using Maven's wicket quickstart
archetype.  It defaulted to version 1.3.2, and I changed the version to
use 1.4.9.

Now, the following code won't compile:

import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.*;

public class TemplatePage extends WebPage {
public TemplatePage() { 

The error I'm getting is this:[8,8] cannot find symbol
symbol  : method add(org.apache.wicket.behavior.HeaderContributor)
location: class acmis.helpdesktools.TemplatePage

I'm really not sure what I'm doing wrong here.  Everything I've looked
at when I searched for the issue shows the same code as I've got here,
so I'm scratching my head.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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