> I don't think there is simple way to do that (unless you tweak the mapper).
> Why would you want to do that though? All bookmarkable URLs are
> generated without the page Id,
> The redirect is temporary (so google indexes the original URL). URL is
> still bookmarkable so users can copy and paste it, page Id is pretty
> much harmless.

I would like to have clean URLs, and page Id on every single URL isn't
that pretty.

>>> I don't think you can mount same page twice.
>> Okay, how can I create aliases for a page then? And how could I create a
>> nice url for parameterless and 'parameterful' pages? like /show shows a
>> user own profile, and /show/id/{id} shows another users profile?
> You can't mount the page twice, because in that case wicket will not
> know which mapping to use for the page when generating the URL.
> If you need page to be accessible on both
> /show
> and
> /show/id/4
> then you need to mount it on /show and treat /id/3 as indexed parameters.

will do, but what about aliases? Let's say I want to support legacy
uri's, what should I do then?

> Http refereres? Where did that come from?
> As I said, every time you call getPageParameters() it contains the
> *current* URL parameters. It might be different from the
> PageParameters that you got in page constructor, because that was
> during page construction only.
> so if you have an entity to show, best way is to use LDM
> i.e.
> new LoadableDetachableModel() {
>     public Object load() {
>        return userdao.load(getPageParameters().getNamedParameter("user-id"));
>     }
> }
> This will result of the correct entity loaded even if you change page
> parameters (while leaving the original page id).

oh yeah, I don't use LDM's (I know I should), instead I'm using simple
propertymodels and compoundpropertymodels. This is a method of yours to
make people use LDM everywhere?

Also the main question was unanswered:
are you using the browser bar URL for anything after page rendering?

p.s: the quickstart is here: http://aldaris.sch.bme.hu/myproject.tar.gz


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