Hi guys!
Breaking my head on the following, hopefully someone might be able to
give me a hint?
In a page which serves a view on a log database with quite a lot of
rows, I am using a DataTable to show the rows. The data for the table is
being served by a SortableDataProvider which looks a bit like this:
  public SortableSystemlogDataProvider(Map searchParams) {
    // creating new instance, set default sorting, Search parameters,
counting dataset
    this.dao = new H2InterfaceDaoImpl();
    setSort("sl_id", false);
    this.searchParams = searchParams;
    this.systemlogListSize = dao.countAllSystemlogRows(searchParams);
  public Iterator iterator(int first, int count) {
    SortParam sp = getSort();
    if (sp.getProperty() == null) {
      setSort("sl_id", false);
      sp = getSort();
    // return iterator on search list by params
    paginatedList = dao.selectSystemlogs(this.searchParams,
sp.getProperty(), sp.isAscending(), first, count);
    return paginatedList.iterator();

The issue I am running into at this moment is this: in case of large
datasets, the db call from within the iterator gives a timeout, and
returns null. In this case I would like to give the user a warning
modalwindow and the possibility to change the search options. Of course
I am able to catch the timeout, and return an empty set, but I cannot
see how to move on from that, as I am already within the DataTable.

Anyone has an idea on this?

Thanks in advance, regards,
Frank Prins

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