
I want to display a value of label using the concept of
Actually there are number of property file for different languages.
When I try to add the dynamic field to property file, I am getting an

*WicketMessage: No get method defined for class: class
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form expression: personName*

Content of files are

*Property files:*
status: Hello ${personName}

*Html file:*
<span wicket:id = "hello"></span>

Model file:

public class NameModel
   private String personName;
   public String getPersonName()
    return personName;

   public void setPersonName(String personName)

*Java file:*

NameModel nameModel = new NameModel();

add(new Label("lblProperty", new StringResourceModel("hello", this, new
PropertyModel(nameModel, "personName"))));

Could anyone explain what is the reason for receiving this exception and
steps to overcome this.

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