Sorry for replying to an old post.

The problem can be solved by moving the submit field out of the form in the
html template


Ballist1c wrote:
> Hey guys, 
> I have created the following form (code below).
> The form works fine, when i enter a value into the txt field and mouse
> click on the AjaxFormSubmitLink... BUT if i type something into the
> TextField and press the enter key, the page loads 'something'... but does
> nothing.... and the form is broken till i do a hard refresh, usually i
> close the browser and start it up again.   The application itself doesn't
> crash, and all the other AJAX on the page works fine.
> I want to know if anyone has had this problem before.  I am pretty stuck
> on this one at the moment.
> One hack solution i was wondering if someone can help me out with, is to
> disable the auto-submit on Enter Key press... anyone know how to do that? 
> Thanks guys!!!
> LEo1
> public class SearchInputPanel extends Form
> {
>    TextField basicSearchString;
>    DropDownChoice dodginess;
>    AjaxFormSubmitLink addButton;
>    Input input;
>    /**
>     * Creates a new instance of FormPanel
>     */
>    public SearchInputPanel(String id, MarkupContainer parent)
>    {
>       super(id, parent);
>    }
>    @Override
>    public void setupComponents()
>    {
>       input = new Input();
>       basicSearchString = new TextField("searchString", this);
>       dodginess = new DropDownChoice("dodginess", this, Arrays.asList(new
> String[]{"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"}));
>       addButton = new AjaxFormSubmitLink("add", this)
>       {
>          public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target)
>          {
>             //MessageManager.getInstance().getLatestMessages();
>             //((BigBrotherCookieSession)
> getJumbuckCookieSession()).setSearchResults(MessageManager.getInstance().getNewMessages());
>             target.addComponent(findParent(BasicSearchPanel.class));
>          }
>          public Form getJumbuckForm()
>          {
>             return SearchInputPanel.this.getForm();
>          }
>       };
>    }
>    @Override
>    public void setupModels()
>    {
>       setModel(new CompoundPropertyModel(input));
>    }
>    @Override
>    public void onSubmit()
>    {
>       BigBrotherCookieSession session = (BigBrotherCookieSession)
> getJumbuckCookieSession();
>       session.addSearchString(input.getSearchString(),
> input.getDodginess());
>       input.setSearchString("");
>    }
>    private static class Input implements IClusterable
>    {
>       private String searchString = "";
>       private Long dodginess = 1L;
>       public String getSearchString()
>       {
>          return searchString;
>       }
>       public void setSearchString(String searchString)
>       {
>          this.searchString = searchString;
>       }
>       public Long getDodginess()
>       {
>          return dodginess;
>       }
>       public void setDodginess(Long dodginess)
>       {
>          if (dodginess == null)
>             this.dodginess = 1L;
>          else
>             this.dodginess = dodginess;
>       }
>    }
> }

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