On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 7:13 PM, Jason Novotny <jason.novo...@gmail.com>wrote:

>  Hi,
>    I have a fairly complex use-case scenario: I want a dialog to popup when
> a "hover" event occurs within a table cell. The dialog will provide a couple
> of links (ideally AjaxLink) that should trigger a wicket ajax event.
>    I can imagine maybe creating the dialogs all on the client so there is
> no need to hit the server when the mouse hovers over the table cell (seems
> that ajax would be no good in any case since the latency would be high when
> hovering over potentially many cells within the table anyhow). But then the
> issue is how to create the AjaxLink in the javascript that constructs the
> dialog on the client?

Easiest thing is probably to paint all the dialogs ahead of time as hidden

There are many other ways, but this is one option.

Jeremy Thomerson

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