More recent versions of hibernate are available in the JBoss maven repo (which I do not see in your pom.xml):



----- Original Message ----- From: "Josh Kamau" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2010 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: The Long, Long Dependency Trail

I suggest you use hibernate 3.5+. it seems more organized adding
hibernate-core , hibernate-annotations adds all the neccessary hibernate

I normally use hibernate JPA entity manager and all i add is one dependency
for hibernate-entitymanager.


On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 3:28 PM, Ichiro Furusato


I've been working with Wicket for about a week now and things were
moving along all cruisy until I started adding Hibernate and
Databinder dependencies into my POM. Then all hell broke loose and I
seem to now find myself in the NoClassDefFoundError, then find and
manually install jar cycle. I mean, things with Wicket were just so,
well, SENSIBLE, and now I'm back in nightmare-programming-land again.

In looking at some of the examples on the Web that combine Wicket and
Hibernate, they don't seem to be needing anywhere near the number of
dependencies I am now adding. I'm guessing I must be doing something
wrong, as I'm still pretty new to Maven, being a longstanding Ant
person. That I've had to manually install a whole bunch (6) of jars
seems a clue. Part of this may be due to the folks who wrote
Databinder using git rather than a maven repository (why oh why?!).

My application extends net.databinder.auth.hib.AuthDataApplication so
that it can be an authenticating database application. I've attached
both the latest stack trace and my pom.xml file in hopes that some
kind soul can tell me where I've gone terribly wrong. Perhaps I'm
almost at the end of the dependency tunnel but I'm not yet seeing any
light yet. I'm guessing this is probably a blaringly obvious problem,
or maybe not a problem at all and I'm almost there.

Thanks very much,


PS. BTW, I'm really enjoying Wicket so far; I haven't had this much
fun programming since HyperCard. I hope it's not significantly more
complicated a year or two from now than it is now. If the developer
team can keep to that ethos of simplicity Wicket will only gain in
popularity. Avoid the bloat.

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