I need an IDataProvider for web services calls to a Flickr search.

To complicate matters, I need to cull the Flickr results based on
local criteria.  So the Nth item to the user is the N + Mth item from Flickr.
And I can't know M without looking at the all the Flickr results up to
N + M.

So to handle a user paging back and forth, I either need to
a)  cache the Flickr data (tuples, not images)
b)  cache a mapping from the user index to the Flickr index
c)  start from 0 with flickr and count up each time the Provider is used.

Even with a cache (a & b), I'll have to fetch the data in between if
a user jumps from page 1 to page 5.

So my questions are

1)  How much data is it reasonable to let an IDataProvider serialize?
     2000 short strings?  4000?  Or how large of a TreeMap<int, int>?
2)  If I wanted to cache outside the IDataProvider serialization (global
     mem or another process), there's no way to know when a user is
     done with the cache, right?  (When they close that window or tab?)
3)  Have I missed any approaches?  Something besides IDataProvider?


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