See , the 'page' example

On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Chris Colman

> I use nested modal windows but I was wondering about how I should set
> those up in markup.
> Eg., say I have ModalWindow 0 and Modal Window 1. Modal Window 1 can
> open up on top of Modal Window 0 (nested modal)
> Should the markup refelect this nesting or doesn't it matter?
> Eg., should the markup be like:
> <div wicket:id="modalWindow_0">
>            <div wicket:id="modalWindow_1">
>            </div>
> </div>
> Or is it ok to be:
> <div wicket:id="modalWindow_0" />
> <div wicket:id="modalWindow_1" />

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