On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 7:00 PM, Adz <adam.dar...@three.com.au> wrote:

> I tried that, it didn't make any difference.  I think the problem is due to
> the item reuse strategy ReuseIfModelsEqualStrategy.  It has a cache of the
> existing items and only compares to see if the new models are in the list
> of
> the old models (which for my case they are), and if they are it uses the
> old
> model, regardless of whether the data in the new model is different.

Okay, then I believe your problem is one of the following two things:

   1. the objects that your model contains (likely your domain objects) do
   not implement equals and/or hashcode properly
   2. when you created the things in your row items, you didn't use models
   properly, so they have old, stale data in them

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