trace the java side to see what is encoding the url. it may be a
number of things, but since its only happennig to you its probably
something in your environment. also what version of wicket are you


On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 8:01 AM, Joe Hudson <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using a AjaxFallbackButton within a form.  In this case the
> response is saved to a buffer in the session and supposed to be
> retrieved in the next page request.
> The problem that I am facing is that the second request is providing
> URL encoded query string and I can't figure out why...  Here is what I
> have tracked down:
> The redirect is set by the listener interface request target:
> boolean issueRedirect = (strategy ==
> IRequestCycleSettings.REDIRECT_TO_RENDER || strategy ==
> IRequestCycleSettings.REDIRECT_TO_BUFFER);
> * I am set to REDIRECT_TO_BUFFER
> In WebApplication.addBufferedResponse, we are properly adding the
> buffered response to the map with the key of "wicket:interface=:0::::"
> In the BufferedWebResponse, we are calling
> httpServletResponse.sendRedirect(url) with the value of
> "wicket:interface=:0::::"
> * note: the value is URL encoded but even after encoding does not
> change from "wicket:interface=:0::::"
> On the next call, the query string retreived in WicketFilter (String
> queryString = servletRequest.getQueryString();) is
> "wicket%3Ainterface=%3A0%3A%3A%3A%3A"
> This causes the call to webApplication.popBufferedResponse to execute
> with the wrong key which of course finds no buffered response.
> * I have verified at this time that the valid buffered response is
> still there under the key of "wicket:interface=:0::::"
> * I do get a response back except that all component error messages do
> not show up because they were rendered to the buffer.
> Can anyone please help me understand what is gong on here?  I have
> tried evaluating this in firebug to see where this strange URL
> encoding is coming from but all I see in Firebug when I look at the
> response is "Failed to load source for:
> {context}?wicket:interface=:0:wizard:form::IFormSubmitListener::.  I
> am using Wicket version 1.4.12 on Ubuntu and have tried this in both
> Chrome and FireFox with the same result.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.
> Joe
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