According to this 
[] you don't 
need both head and wicket:head tags. Since this is a page just head is enough.

Also, if your page is extending another one, I think you should have only one 
title tag. In my apps I use a <title> with <wicket:message key="title"> in the 
abstract page's header. Wicket loads the appropriate title on each page 
depending on what is declared in each page's properties file.

On Nov 11, 2010, at 8:43 PM, Josh Kamau wrote:

> Am trying to internationalize the page title. The below snipplet doesnt seem
> to work. Where am i going wrong?
> <head>
> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
>    <wicket:head>
>        <title><wicket:message key="login-page-title"/></title>
>    </wicket:head>
> </head>
> regards
> Josh

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