Many may already have realized this, but for anyone who hasn't, I just came
across this elegant way to handle optional emails.
The user/admin stuff is just an example use-case, simplified to fit here.

// User's Statement page lists some items and who bought them...

    AbstractLink myLink;

    if (isAdminUser()) {
        // admins can view the buyer's full info
        myLink = new BookmarkablePageLink<MemberPage>("",
MemberPage.class, params)
    } else {
        // normal users get email links to each other instead
        myLink = new ExternalLink("", email);

        // or if they don't have email, just show their name
        myLink.setRenderBodyOnly(email.isBlank());    // if they don't have
an email
    myLink.add(new Label(""));

Before I found this, I had two separate elements - the a link with it's span
name inside, and then another span name with only one or the other visible -
that was ugly.

Maybe this helps someone else


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